Salatiga Carnival Center

Salatiga Carnival Center
Sebuah event akbar tahunan WORLD CULTURE FASHION CARNIVAL..

Profil Saya

Foto saya
Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
I was born in Solo, December 25, 1987 from the father of Drs. Luke Suroso and Mrs. Sri Puji Lestari Hantokyudhaningsih. I grew up in a city full of culture that is the city of Solo. as the descendants of the solos even have blood from a stranger. I was born like a tiny man, weighing> 4 kg. the second child of three brothers that I tried to be a pioneer and a child who was always proud of my extended family. trained hard in terms of education and given the religious sciences until thick. I am standing upright in my life the 19th to voice the aspirations of the marginalized of LGBT in the city of Salatiga. as a new city that will be a starting point toward change and transformation that this country is a country truly democratic. soul, body and all of my life will always fight for rights of the marginalized is to get our citizen rights. Ladyboys no rights, no gay rights, no rights of lesbian, but there's only citizen rights regardless of sexual orientation and gender.

06 Oktober 2009

Satya Wacana Job Fair XI

Satya Wacana Career Center & Alumni Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (SWCA-UKSW) kembali menyelenggarakan Satya Wacana Job Fair yang ke-11, pada tanggal 9-10 Oktober 2009 mulai pukul 08.30-16.30 WIB di Balairung UKSW.

Job Fair terbuka untuk umum yang akan diikuti oleh 40 Perusahaan berskala nasional dan multinasional, antara lain: Pama Persada (Astra Group), APRIL, Garuda Food, Smart (Sinarmas Group), Permata Bank, OCBC NISP, BII Finance, Buana Finance, WOM Finance, Summit Auto Group, Panin Life, Suparma, Fajar Surya Wisesa, Konimex Group, Bernofarm, Interbat, Century Health Care, Adira Insurance, Arta Boga Cemerlang, Andi Offset, Pura Baru Tama, Midi Utama Indonesia, Indomarco Prismatama, Aprisma Indonesia, Polyfin Canggih, Medion, Plasindo Hidup Baru, Basicraf, Rex Plast, Surya Multi Indo Pack, Nusantara Sakti, Indohose-Pegasus, Bintang Asahi Textile Industri (BATI), ILP, ESC, Sekolah IPEKA, Sekolah Dian Harapan, Sekolah Nasional Plus Pahoa, RS. Dr. Oen Solo Baru dan NOK Indonesia.

Lowongan yang ditawarkan antara lain untuk posisi Staff, Managenent Trainee (MT), Supervisor, Kabag dan Manajer. Perusahaan-perusahaan peserta Job Fair akan melakukan psikotes dan wawancara selama berlangsungnya Job Fair.

Informasi Company profile dan lowongan kerja dapat dilihat di papan Bursa Karir Kantor SWCA atau di Tiket Job Fair dan Vacancy Book bisa diperoleh di Kantor SWCA.

Informasi: telp 0298-7101212, 085640068613, 08156555322, 0298-9032525.



Satya Wacana Job Fair XI didukung oleh: Pama Persada, APRIL, Sekar Lima Training Center & Consultant, TATV, Radio Rakosa, Radio Geronimo, I Radio, Radio Q, Ria Fm, Rhema Radio, Solo Radio, Sonora Radio dan Radio Suara Salatiga.(swca/upk_bphl)

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