Salatiga Carnival Center

Salatiga Carnival Center
Sebuah event akbar tahunan WORLD CULTURE FASHION CARNIVAL..

Profil Saya

Foto saya
Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
I was born in Solo, December 25, 1987 from the father of Drs. Luke Suroso and Mrs. Sri Puji Lestari Hantokyudhaningsih. I grew up in a city full of culture that is the city of Solo. as the descendants of the solos even have blood from a stranger. I was born like a tiny man, weighing> 4 kg. the second child of three brothers that I tried to be a pioneer and a child who was always proud of my extended family. trained hard in terms of education and given the religious sciences until thick. I am standing upright in my life the 19th to voice the aspirations of the marginalized of LGBT in the city of Salatiga. as a new city that will be a starting point toward change and transformation that this country is a country truly democratic. soul, body and all of my life will always fight for rights of the marginalized is to get our citizen rights. Ladyboys no rights, no gay rights, no rights of lesbian, but there's only citizen rights regardless of sexual orientation and gender.

04 September 2009

18 - 23 September 2009 Libur Hari Raya Idul Fitri

Rapat Pimpinan UKSW tanggal 1 September 2009 memutuskan Libur Hari Raya Idul Fitri dan Cuti Bersama sebagai berikut:

Tanggal 21 - 22 September 2009 sebagai Libur Hari Raya Idul Fitri.

Tanggal 18 dan 23 September 2009 sebagai Cuti Bersama sebelum dan sesudah Hari Raya Idul Fitri.

Dengan catatan agar dapat diatur staf piket pada jam 09.00 - 12.00 untuk mengatasi apabila ada hal-hal yang sifatnya mendesak dan urgent. Terima kasih.

Dikutip sesuai dengan aslinya Nota Rektor tertanggal 2 September 2009.

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Buat mas Slamet alias mbak Meti, selamat ulang tahun ya mas, semoga dowo umure dan bisa segera kembali ke Surabaya untuk menggantikan posisi Ko Budiyanto ( ; atau ) yang akan segera memasuki masa pangsiun dan kembali terjun ke dunia waria
Kami tunggu kepulangan mas Slamet